Tuesday, August 6, 2013

"Kuģa gremdēšana" - ļoti jauka un attīstoša spēle mājas apstākļos!

Labdien visiem, kas lasa vai pārskata manu blogu!
Ceru, ka Jūs smeļaties idejas!
Kuģīša gremdēšana! Šī ir jauka, aizraujoša un pamācoša spēle jebkura vecuma bērniem!

Мелкая моторика малыша - это важно!

Всем доброго утра!
Сегодня я встала с мыслью о том, что надо в вами поделиться очень простой, но интересной идеей, которая поможет развивать навыки письма и мелкую моторику пальчиков Ваших деток!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Visgardākā limonāde

Labdien mīļie draugi!
Šodien dalīšos ar gardas limonādes recepti, kas atsvaidzinās šajā karstajā laikā!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Banānu saldējums

Sveicieni visiem!
Šodien ir piektdiena, un ir vēlēšanās rakstīt latviešu valodā!
Domāju, domāju un izdomāju, ka gribu jums piedāvāt fantastiski vieglu recepti saldējuma pagatavošanai jūsu draiskulīšiem! Šis ir saldējums no manas bērnības!
Banānu saldējums ar medu un riekstiem!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Imagination worksheets

According to the GenkiEnglish.net program (which I constantly use for my lessons), imagination and creativity are two of the most important skills when learning to chop up and re-build English phrases you know into new and useful sentences. Imagination Worksheets that really help kids explore, think and come up with new and original ideas.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Puppets! Great simple ideas for your kids!

Hello everyone!
Today I decided to share my opinion and experience using puppets.
Puppets of all kinds are toys that fascinate children. Puppets help to support oral language skills and communication as well as imagination and emotional development. 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Flashcards - so much fun!

Hello everyone!
I would like to talk about the flashcards today! Please join me!
Since I am studying Master course in the University of Latvia, I am learning different new things constantly. Some time ago, I came across Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory that indicates that teachers should aim to appeal to all the different learner types at some point during the course. This is the reason I started to use flashcards.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


“It's a good idea always to do something relaxing prior
to making an important decision in your life.”
― Paulo Coelho
, The Pilgrimage

Hello everyone! It's summer, the time for relaxing and enjoying your time!
Why relaxation is so important in the process of pre-school age children education? See below my opinion on it...

Songs for an English language classroom

“Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul”
- Plato
Hello! Today I would like to share my thought about music and songs in the process of learning English!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Picture books for Kids

     Reading a book is a true pleasure. Books are the best friends of all. I think that reading is a good hobby. Books give a lot of new information and knowledge. They also give us a message.
I love children picture books. They are large, colorful, easy to read and very simple in their structure, not very long and produced exclusively for a certain audience, namely children, especially of the younger ones. It is all about showing and telling, a window for learning to “read” in a broad sense, exploring relationships between words, pictures and the life we experience every day.
I enjoy reading books with children because they are always involved into the process, they share their opinions, discuss storylines, complete different tasks based on the content of a certain book.

Baby Hippo and me reading the book for kids :)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I am pleased to welcome you to my blog!

I am pleased to welcome you to my blog!
Я рада приветствовать вас в своем блоге!
Esiet sveicināti manā blogā!